The Chinese will come
Tanja Brzakovic
The Chinese President is on his official 3-day visit to Serbia. The Government of Serbia is celebrating this visit, calling it “historical” – the beginning of the economic rescue of Serbia, thanks to Chinese investments guaranteed by the Chinese President himself. The Chinese community in Serbia, that was numerous 20-years ago, today is s hardly visible, hidden from the media and politics. So is Serbia’s middle class - predominant customers of the Chinese low-cost shops. The Chinese workers remain neglected and are not affected by this important visit. During these three days, we witness scenes from the lives of ordinary people, isolated in a foreign country and culture, the country that is just another stopover before next temporary homeland. We become witnesses of the lives of a farmer’s family struggling with their own lack of knowledge and state bureaucracy; a young couple running a little provincial shop, torn between obligations towards their family in China and personal ambitions; and a worker in a shopping mall, lost between his Chinese and Serbian identity.
Cinematography: Aleksandrija Ajduković
Producer: Nebojša Miljković
Editing / Sound: Tanja Brzaković
Production company: Talas film