About Rights at the 6th AJB DOC Film Festival
Carefully selected world's best documentaries in Sarajevo from September 8th to September 12th.

The sixth Al Jazeera Balkans Documentary Film Festival (AJB DOC) will be held from September 8th to September 12th in Sarajevo. Documentaries of the highest quality will be shown at Cineplexx Sarajevo and the Bosnian Cultural Center (BKC), while the program for the documentary industry professionals will be held in the Chamber Theater 55 (Kamerni teatar 55).
As in previous years, the AJB DOC Film Festival brings documentary stories from all over the world, under the umbrella of the festival's current theme, and this year that is "RIGHT(S)".
The organizers announced that the current topic of was chosen to point out the increasingly frequent denial of fundamental rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to, regardless of their origin, beliefs and way of life. There are countless speeches about the law and rights within political and social systems, and at the same time, we are witnessing a denial of basic rights to the most vulnerable groups.
The focus of the festival is on universal human values, therefore, documentary films also will deal with basic civil and political rights, but also social, cultural and economic rights, and the topics that stand out in particular are women’s rights, the rights of refugees and migrants, the rights of the media to free reporting, the right to life, the right to human dignity, the right to freedom and free choice, the right to identity, the right to an opinion and a wide range of other rights that are denied and violated despite international protection systems.
Documentary films intended for television broadcast will be shown in the Competition program, feature-length documentaries will be shown in the Last Minute Cinema program, and AJB Screening will bring together the best documentaries from the region. The SmartDoc program will feature works by young authors, and the complete program of the Sixth AJB DOC Film Festival will be officially presented soon. The organizers say that this year's selection of films is the culmination of their work so far.
The AJB DOC Film Festival’s four programs, sponsored by BH Telecom and training in partnership with Samsung, will be announced soon.